Thursday was another day of rain - but not as heavy as Wednesday. But it did mean no swimming. We took some time to get in some final shopping, take some more pictures, eat at the Thai restaurant one more time and of course, Lucy's for dinner. Right now we can't wait to get back home and get a taste of some Skyline Chili.
The highlight of the day was the trip to the US Consulate. Unfortunately we were not allowed to take pictures there. There were at least 40 families there to get their child's visas and help make them US citizens. Two of the families were on their 4th Chinese adoption (still think we are crazy?)
We will be leaving the hotel at 6:45 AM Friday Morning(6:45 PM Thursday Dayton Ohio time) and arriving in Dayton at 10:30 PM Friday. We will fly from Guangzhou to Beijing, Beijing to Newark, then Newark to home. We will clear customs in Newark and Aiden will become a US citizen shortly after landing there. The flight from Beijing to Newark is approximately 13 hours. We will have been gone almost 15 days. It usually takes a good few days to get over the jet lag and feel normal again. We wish we could could just say "Beam us home, Scotty", but we are thankful it's not a month long boat ride followed by a week on a train. 
Good Bye China - thanks for letting us bring Aiden home. To everyone else - catch ya back in the states real soon. To Mackenzie and Makayla - we can't wait to give you hugs and kisses at the airport!
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