Sunday, June 29, 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Safey Home!
We'll post some more pictures a little later on - but we would like to again thank you all for your prayers. We would like to especially thank our friends Bev and Jerry for taking great care of our precious daughters, our neighbors George and Jackie for watching over our house, our dog Gertie, and making sure we had breakfast Saturday morning, and our friend Carol for keeping us in touch with home town happenings, and providing us a welcome home meal.
Aiden is home where he belongs!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Zai Jian Zhongguo (Good-bye China)
Monday, June 23, 2008
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Let's Go Youyong!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Orphanage Trip
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Tengwang Pavilion and the Terrible Towel
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
First Full Day with Aiden
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
It's A Boy!
We couldn't have asked for a better "Gotcha" moment. Aiden is a great, easy going, very polite, very happy little boy. He is full of energy, He was well prepared for this moment (an awesome answer to prayer!). The language difference has been interesting but not a problem and we've already learned from each other. We met him at 1030 in the morning and had all the paperwork processed by mid afternoon. He is ours! Aiden and Adam played well together all day. Aiden showed off some of his great artwork and math skills. He shared with us some of the food and toys he brought with him. We went to Walmart (yes Walmart) and bought him some new shoes (and a power adapter so we could get this blog going).
The days prior to our arriving in Nanchang was spent in Xi'an, home to the headquarters of several Chinese dynasties for over 1,000 years. It is well know now due to the discovery of the Terra Cotta warriors about 30 years ago, We'll post a few pictures later. The Terra Cotta warriors are viewed by many as the Eight Wonder of the Ancient world and in our opinion was more exciting than visiting the Great Wall.
Thanks for your prayers - they are felt and heard. More to come as the journey home progresses.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Random Musings Before the Trip
Aidan is coming home to the home God has called him to. We are so privileged to be that home.
Adam and Makayla were born miles apart and 2 months apart but have been brother and sister for over 1 ½ years. Adoption is amazing. People ask if they are twins. Makayla and her sister Mackenzie are inseparable. They are as close as sisters can be. Adoption is amazing. I had to post this video, (1) to see if I could , and (2) because I am so proud of how Adam and Makayla worked together, Kayla really wanted to score a goal and Adam had been scoring goals all season. We asked him to help his sister out this game. See the results. Yes they have their fights, that is even more evidence that God has brought them together as siblings. We can’t wait for Aiden to be part of all this.
Finally, our pastor preached on Sunday from Mark 9:33-37 (yes we were paying attention!). Mark 9:37 says (Jesus speaking to the disciples after taking a little child in His arms) “Whoever welcomes one of these little children in My name welcomes me…” Thanks Pastor for the confirmation! Off we go!