As of Friday, 1/25/08, our dossier is on it's way to China! We have been hoping for a China log in date in early February and it appears we are on track.
A little more about Aiden;
We found Aiden Yuan Peng Tkach on the WACAP waiting children list last October. There was a short video of him and we thought he was adorable. As we always do, we prayed and asked the Lord for direction and in a few days decided to inquire further about him with WACAP. Karyn was able to talk by phone with two other women who had information about Yuan Peng and his medical file. As the days went by we felt very confident that the Lord was directing us to proceed with applying to adopt him. We felt confident that his medical condition, which is a hemangioma on his elbow, was something that we could handle, even if there is more involved than might meet the eye.
Now as we wait for the Chinese Center of Adoption Affairs to do their part, we get to send Aiden a small care package with our pictures so he can finally see a family at the end of the tunnel so to speak. Our Adam is looking forward to having a brother and a roommate so we can get their bedroom ready while we wait.
We'll keep you posted...
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Why We Adopt (updated)

It is always amazing to see how God work's in each family when it comes to adoption. Each story is different, but God's purposes are the same. He really cares for the orphans. Our story began several years ago shortly after our son was born. We were told we probably would not have more kids and were lucky to have him. God had introduced the idea of adoption to us (especially to Karyn), but for several reasons (finances and getting comfortable with just 1 child) we never acted on it. Well, when our son was fourteen years old God blessed us with the birth of a daughter. We truly were not expecting that. After about a year God hit us aga
in with the idea of adoption. What's your excuse this time? After raising an only child for 14 years the idea of raising our daughter with a sibling and playmate seemed like the right thing to do. Two years ago, Makayla came into our lives. She is a beautiful healthy Chinese girl from Jiangxi. She has truly been a blessing and Makayla (4) and Mackenzie (5) have been sisters and best friends ever since. But after the long trip home from China we told ourselves we were done. God knew differently - and Jeff couldn't keep Karyn away from our adoption agency’s (A Helping Hand) special needs list. In March 2006 God put Zhang Bei (Adam) on our hearts. He officially became part of our family on 22 October 2006. (see We said then that we were not sure if he was to be the last member of our family. It's amazing how many families go back and adopt again. Once you understand the heart of an orphan, and have seen what God can do, it's hard to forget them. We have also volunteered with AHH and held an adoption seminar at our church. We hope to do even more adoption ministry in the future.

In late summer of 2007 God placed a new burden on our hearts. Even Mackenzie and Makayla asked us "Mom, dad, when are we going to adopt again? We knew then we were going back, we just needed to know who God had prepared for us. Well, his name is Yuan Peng, soon to be Aiden Yuan Peng. God has truly given us a heart for adoption.

We covet your prayers in this journey. This will truly be an amazing adventure.
James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
Where We are in the Process (and how we got there)
Aiden's journey started back in early October, 2007. After finishing a special needs update to our homestudy in anticipation of adopting another special needs boy from China, our social worker directed us to a special needs list with WACAP out of Seattle. We were intrigued by a boy named Yuan Peng and started to gather information about him. It did not take long for us to feel that God had led us very specifically to this boy and we began the paperwork in earnest. We filed our application for the I-171H and started preparing our dossier. Any of you who have been through our previous two Chinese adoptions with us know how we waited and waited for that precious I-171H. Well, the irony with this adoption is that that document was processed very quickly this time and it was issued weeks before our other documents were completed.
We were approved by WACAP as prospective parents around the first of December. We were preapproved by the China Center for Adoption Affairs (CCAA) on December 21st. What a wonderful Christmas present. Our dossier is currently at our adoption agency awaiting transport to the CCAA. We are hoping for a log in date on or about February 1, 2008. We will have a 3 to 5 month wait for our confirmation letter, another month for travel approval, then another month or so to prepare to travel. Of course, we are hoping for the shortest waiting times all the way around so our hope is to travel before the Olympics. However, we have done this enough to know that we have very little say in when we travel. S o we will trust in God’s perfect timing. We just want to bring Aiden home to our family as soon as possible.
We were approved by WACAP as prospective parents around the first of December. We were preapproved by the China Center for Adoption Affairs (CCAA) on December 21st. What a wonderful Christmas present. Our dossier is currently at our adoption agency awaiting transport to the CCAA. We are hoping for a log in date on or about February 1, 2008. We will have a 3 to 5 month wait for our confirmation letter, another month for travel approval, then another month or so to prepare to travel. Of course, we are hoping for the shortest waiting times all the way around so our hope is to travel before the Olympics. However, we have done this enough to know that we have very little say in when we travel. S o we will trust in God’s perfect timing. We just want to bring Aiden home to our family as soon as possible.
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